Do you like playing games? OMEGA+ is an online game where you can play against other players in a set of subgames. Each subgame has different difficulty levels, there are badges you can earn throughout the game and there is a dashboard showing you how you did on each subgame.
How It Works:
1. 📝 Evaluation Quest: Dive into a quick questionnaire to discover your current meta-cognitive skill level.
2. 🎮 Play OMEGA+: Engage in captivating games designed to boost your brain skills.
3. 🧠 50 Matches Later: Revisit the questionnaire, witness your progress, and gain valuable insights.
After completing the final questionnaire, you'll automatically be entered into the draw – because your brainpower deserves to be celebrated! 🎉
Do you like playing games? OMEGA+ is an online game where you can play against other players in a set of
subgames. Each subgame has different difficulty levels, there are badges you can earn throughout
the game and there is a dashboard showing you how you did on each subgame. And as a side effect of
playing OMEGA+, you will learn some important meta-cognitive skills – without even noticing.
Do you like learning new things? OMEGA+ has been designed to help you learn and improve important
meta-cognitive skills (i.e., problem solving, associative reasoning, planning and organization,
as well as evaluation and accuracy) in a fun way. You can build up your skills in different
levels, earn badges for achieved goals and there is even a dashboard where you can analyse your
learning progress and see how you can improve your skills even further. OMEGA+ is designed in a
way that it is primarily a game rather than an educational tool, which means that learning
will be fun and you might not even notice that you are learning. However, by learning and
improving meta-cognitive skills, you can boost your learning capacities, whether at university
or on the job; can have an easier time in furthering your education; can increase the quality
of the work you deliver; and overall, such improved skills can help you realize your full potential.
OMEGA+ has been developed by a team of researchers, led by Prof. Sabine Graf and Prof. Maiga Chang.
The goal of developing OMEGA+ was to create a game that is fun but also helps players to learn
important meta-cognitive skills. Using a scientific approach, each subgame has been designed to
improve particular meta-cognitive skills, using existing literature as evidence for the potential
of the subgames to improve the respective skills. Very soon, evaluation studies will start to
verify the potential of each subgame to improve those skills and, based on the results of these
studies, OMEGA+ will be further improved and extended.
Select a game to read more about it.
Select a game to read its rules and how to play it.
Dr. Sabine Graf
Project Lead & Principle Investigator
Full Professor
Athabasca University
Dr. Maiga Chang
Project Lead & Principle Investigator
Full Professor
Athabasca University
Dr. Mobina Beheshti
Data Analysist and Evaluator
Postdoctoral Researcher
Athabasca University
Erika Racette
Research Assistant
Athabasca University
Ryan Leadbeater
Research Assistant
Athabasca University
Dr. Jennifer Seaton
Development Team Coordinator, Game/Graphic Designer and Programmer
Postdoctoral Researcher
Athabasca University
Patrick Corbett
Game Designer
MSc Project Student
Athabasca University
Ted Krahn
Undergraduate Project Student
Athabasca University
Sonali Malik
Undergraduate Project Student
Athabasca University
Jason Bishop
Research Assistant
Athabasca University
Arta Farahmand
Research Assistant
Athabasca University
Vladyslav Klitsunov
Mitacs Globalink intern
Athabasca University
Sakshi Kishore
Mitacs Globalink intern
Athabasca University
Tamra Ross
Research Assistant
Athabasca University
Scott McQuoid
Lead Programmer
Research Assistant & NSERC USRA Holder
Athabasca University
Xinwei Song
Visiting Research Student
Athabasca University
Deepak C
Mitacs Globalink intern
Athabasca University
Utkarsh Ranjun
Mitacs Globalink intern
Athabasca University
Harshit Maheshwari
Mitacs Globalink intern
Athabasca University
Rob Schmidt
Research Assistant
Athabasca University
Wissam Saleh
Research Assistant
Athabasca University
Shreyas Ranveerkar
Mitacs Globalink intern
Athabasca University
Silvie Opolka
Mitacs Globalink intern
Athabasca University
Maiga Chang, Sabine Graf, Patrick Corbett, Jennifer Seaton, Scott McQuoid and Tamra Ross (2019).
OMEGA: A Multiplayer Online Game for Improving User’s Meta-Cognitive Skills.
In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Technology for Education (T4E 2019),
IEEE Computer Society, December 2019, Goa, India, pp. 178-185.
Jennifer Seaton, Maiga Chang and Sabine Graf (2019).
Integrating a Learning Analytics Dashboard in an Online Educational Game.
In M. Chang and A. Tlili (Eds.), Data analytics approaches in educational games
and gamification systems, Springer, New York, pp. 127-138.
Jennifer X Seaton, Sabine Graf, Maiga Chang, and Arta Farahmand (2018).
Incorporating Learning Analytics in an Educational Game to Provide
Players with Information about how to Improve their Performance.
In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Advanced
Learning Technologies (ICALT), IEEE Computer Society, July 9-13,
Mumbai, India, pp. 229-230.